Silver Cord – Community Service

Roosevelt High School Community Service Program

With a commitment to emphasize the importance of serving one’s own community through volunteerism, Roosevelt High School (TRHS), in collaboration with the Roosevelt High School PTA, would like to honor student volunteers with a distinguished BLUE/SILVER CORD to be worn over the graduation robe during the commencement ceremony at the conclusion of each school year.

Guidelines to Earn Blue/Silver Cord
To earn the distinguished BLUE/SILVER CORD, students graduating 2025 and prior must complete a total of 120 community service hours, equaling at least 30 hours of service per year. Starting with the Graduating Class of 2026, students must complete a total of 160 community service hours, equaling at least 40 hours of service per year.  Hours should be submitted by the last school day of the year in which service hours are completed. Additionally, Seniors must submit all required hours by May 1. Seniors who fail to submit the required hours by the deadline will not receive recognition on the graduation program or receive a certificate of completion.

Students are required to document all service activities through the form provided by Roosevelt High School – one form should be submitted for each site project. The form must be signed by the supervisor at the site of service. Forms can be submitted at any point during the year in the main office. Forms may be picked up in the Library, Counseling Center, or School Website (under the student section). Students will provide their own transportation while completing this service.

Acceptable Service Activities
BLUE/SILVER CORD hours must be for providing a service or meeting a clear need for a non-profit agency, church, school, park, charity program, fundraiser, or community event. The service should be considered “above and beyond” one’s usual scope of involvements and no more than 20% of the required hours per year can be work completed for Roosevelt High School, such as the National Honor Society. If there is a question about whether a specific volunteer experience meets the criteria for “providing a service” or “meeting a need”, students should seek prior approval from an administrator before accepting a service assignment with a particular organization.

Silver Cord Guidelines and Verification Form