Ann Abbott-Lewis
Monica Akuien
Nayte Amanuel
Joshua Benitez
Nicole Benson
Angela Besco
Amelia Boggess
Ernst Brun, Jr.
Kristen Burkett
Jessica Chrystal
Adam Daley
Education Background: Morningside College, DMACC, Bemidji State University
Courses: All Social Studies courses; Flex Lab
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: I love the history of academic excellence here at Roosevelt.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: I enjoy trying out new restaurants and foods!
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 10 years
Jason Danielson
Education Background: DMA Voice Performance and Pedagogy – University of Iowa, MM Voice Performance – University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, BA Music Education, BA Voice Pesiarformance – Bethel College
Current Role: Head Vocal Music, Asian Student Association sponsor
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: The students!
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Dancing, reading, working out
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 8 years
Education Background: 2000 Undergrad in Elementary Education through University of Northern Iowa, 2018 Master’s Degree in Culturally Responsive Instruction and Leadership through Drake University, 2019 Master’s Degree in K-12 School Administration through Drake University, and currently a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Philosophy through the School of Education at Drake University
Current Role: Associate Principal
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: I love watching the staff and students interact daily and seeing students that walk the hallway carry on the Roosevelt traditions of new and old.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: My free time is spent with my four daughters Emma, Camryn, Ava and Laney. We all play and watch volleyball, we like to go on vacation together, eat Sunday dinner and watch old movies. When I am not doing schools work, I enjoy reading, running and spending time with my fur babies.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: end of 21-22 School Year
“the true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations that we seek to escape, but the piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us.” Audre Lorde
Christina Estes
Anita Fleming
Melissa Floyd
Education Background: Undergrad at UNI, Masters of Educational Leadership from ISU
Current Role: Associate Principal
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Going to sporting events (especially my kids or Roosevelt), creating things, and spending time with family and friends
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 2020
Kathryn Galligan
Katherine Gamble
Terry Gioffredi
Education Background: BA Social Science Education UNI 1985
Courses: US Government, Modern US History, Sociology
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: The kids and people who work here.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Spending time with family. I have 4 kids (three daughters and 1 son) and 5 grandkids. I enjoy attending the grandkids’ activities. Season ticket holder for Iowa football. Umpiring all levels of girls softball. Watching superhero movies, especially during the COVID-19 isolation. Finally, watching all types of sports especially college sports. Spending time outdoors. How long have you been at Roosevelt: 27 years since the flood of 1993. I have been here so long I have taught parents of current Roosevelt students, along with teaching several staff members.
Education Background: Masters University of Iowa , MSW, LISW
Current Role: School Social Worker
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: Students and staff
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Reading, exercise, dining out
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 8 years
Dr. Amber Graeber
Education Background: B.S.E and B.A. Drake University; M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington, Seattle; M. Ed Educational Administration, Iowa State University; Ph.D., Iowa State University
Current Role: Social Studies Teacher
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: I love working at Roosevelt because I live in the neighborhood and our diverse students teach me new things every day!
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: In my free time I love to read, volunteer, exercise, and spend time with friends and family.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 6 years
Alexander Gray
Jason Grossman
Shaylee Haltiner
Kimberly Harrison
Education Background: Buena Vista with a degree in Special Education K-12, additional certifications in Special Education from Drake University; Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University
Current Role: Special Education Teacher
Favorite thing about Roosevelt:
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: In my free time I enjoy spending time with grandchildren, gardening, reading, knitting or working on my paper crafts.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 13 years
Deborah (Smith) Henry
Courses you teach: Biology
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: The students. They teach me new things every day!
What hobbies or things you do in your free time: Scrap booking, quilting, gardening, politics.
Ruby Herrera
Ashley Hoegh
Education Background: Dordt College Instructional Strategist I-K through 12
Current Position: Instructional Strategist (Special Education), Biology and Earth Science
What do you love about Roosevelt: The kids are my favorite part about working at Roosevelt.
What do you enjoy to do in your free time: I enjoy reading, hiking, camping, watching the Hawkeyes and spending time with my family.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: This is my 3rd year.
Brandon Hope
Educational Background: BA in Business from Briar Cliff University in 1996. MS in Educational Leadership from Drake University in 2010
Courses Currently Taught: Future Ready, Future Set, General Business, Intro to Business, Marketing Entrepreneurship, and Business Law.
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: Love how our building is filled with so many unique individuals, representing so many cultures and backgrounds, but we all come together as Roughriders!
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of school: Jack of all things, Master of none!
How many years have you been at Roosevelt: Fall of 2000, over 20 years.
Jeffery Hummel
- Graduated from Sidney Community High School
- Graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication
- Graduated from Iowa State University with a Masters in Educational Administration
- Taught theater at North High School for 9 years, Dean of Students at Roosevelt for 2 years, Dean at Merrill for 3 years, Vice Principal at Lincoln High School for 7 years, Vice Principal at Rails Academy for 8 Years and back at Roosevelt this last year as an Associate Principal
- My favorite thing about Roosevelt is the Community Support and the Student’s authentic love for their school
- Hobbies = Anything outside that include hunting, camping kayaking, photography and hiking
- In the district since 1989, 1st ride at Roosevelt 1999-2001, 2nd ride started in 2019!
Nicole (Krayneski) James
Michelle Kastner
Education: Diploma in Dental Assisting, DMACC; Associate of General Studies Degree, DMACC
Current Role: Attendance Clerk
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: The energy the kids bring to the school every day. Love the architecture of the building.
Hobbies: Spending time with my husband and daughter, watching thriller/psychological dramas on Netflix, scrap booking, and I’m an organizing and cleaning fanatic! I also love a good sushi restaurant with friends/family.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 22-23 School Year!
Michaella Kleinmeyer
Education Background: AA and AAS in Biology from Indian Hills Community College, Bachelor’s in Biology from Drake University, Master’s in Teaching from Simpson College.
Courses you teach: I teach Environmental Science and AP Environmental Science
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: Learning more about the diverse community!
What hobbies or things that I enjoy in my free time: In my free time I enjoy spending time with my husband, our son, and our three dogs! I like to go to the zoo, spend time in my backyard, as well as binge watch my favorite TV shows.
How long have I been at Roosevelt: This is my first year teaching.
Parker Klyn
Mary Pat LaMair
Educational Background: BA from Colorado college and MFA from the University of Colorado.
Courses: Intro to 2D and 3D Design and 3D Design II.
Favorite thing about RHS: My favorite thing about Roosevelt is the people.
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of school: In my free time I love to get outside, spend time with my family, swim, and make art.
Jessica Lange
Cameron Leeper
Ashley Lemke
Ronnie Lewis, Jr.
Carol Lindaman
Timothy Martinez
Zachary McClelland
Whitney McKinstry
Troyisha Merrett
Jennell Montgomery
Sierra Perkins
Carlos Ramirez
Majid Sabri
Education Background:EdS from Drake, Masters from Nova Southeastern University, BA from Drake
Current Role: principal
Favorite thing about Roosevelt:The community we serve – the dynamic students, engaged guardians, giving alumni, and surrounding businesses/non-profit partners.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Spending time with my family, watching sports, traveling, and more recently, playing golf
How long have you been at Roosevelt: Since 21-22 School year!
Kathy Schmitt
Ben Sinnwell
Hannah Smith
Education Background: East HS, Iowa State
Current Role: Registrar
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: Staff
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Roadtrips and camping
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 4 years
Lindsey Smith
Beatty Stires
Julie Toscano
Education Background: Iowa State University
Current Role: Future Ready and Fashion
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: The students!
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: I love spending time with my family, going for walks with my dog, and doing photography.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 2 years
Carly Triplett
Sophal Vann
Casey Voichahoske
Andrew Wade
Alethea Wall
Jessie Weishaar
Education Background: Undergraduate degree from Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, IA
Courses Taught: AP Psychology, U.S. Government
Favorite thing about Roosevelt: Roosevelt High School has an incredible student body, teaching staff, support staff and administrators. My own children are in the Roosevelt feeder!
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time: Spending time with my friends and family.
How long have you been at Roosevelt: 2 years