Seniors: Alumni Foundation Scholarship Applications OPEN!
Please click HERE for a full listing of Foundation scholarships on the Roosevelt Alumni Foundation webpage, information on each scholarship, and application links!
Please click HERE for a full listing of Foundation scholarships on the Roosevelt Alumni Foundation webpage, information on each scholarship, and application links!
Check out the 1st edition of the Rider Roundup for the 22-23 School Year! 1st Edition of Rider Round Up 22 23
Are you confused by your Roosevelt schedule? Unsure when you should hop on the bus and go to Central? Wondering why you have an open period? Check out this video to learn more:
Riders, Come join us on Monday, August 22 to get ready for the school year to start! 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the Roosevelt Cafeteria at the suggested times below. Freshmen = 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Sophomores = …