Roosevelt Activities / Clubs


Club Name Sponsor Room # Meeting Days After School Unless Listed Different Club Description / Purpose Sponsor Email
GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) Andy Sutton 2850 Thursdays The GSA is an inclusive group that meets to discuss issues related to the LGBTQ+ community.  This is a welcoming, accepting, and affirming group for anyone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community or who is an ally.
Interact Club Andrew Wade Auditorium Tuesdays 7:30 a.m. Interact is a club for students who want to connect with others in their community.  Members will have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world.
Best Buddies Nicole Krayneski James 3000 Mondays Best Buddies works to build friendships between people with and with out IDD (Intellectual or Developmental Disability), offering social mentoring while improving the quality of life and level of inclusion.
C.O.R.E (Community of Racial Equity) Abra Nichol 3350 Mondays C.O.R.E for Advancement is a Drake pathway program for high-achieving high school students from the Des Moines area. By uniting strong leaders in collaboration, C.O.R.E challenges inequities in education, provides community for BIPoC students and allies to discuss issues within their schools and cities, and crates action steps to make long-lasting change.
Environmental Club Michaella Kleinmeyer 2130 1st and 3rd Monday each month The Environmental Club explores environmental issues and implements change across Roosevelt.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Brandon Hope 2280 Varies At FCA, our mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church by engaging them relationally with the Gospel.
Safe Space Jennifer Seals 1230 2nd and 4th Thursdays Provide a safe community focus around mental health for Roosevelt students, while creating and maintaining an environment where TRHS students can learn and speak on mental health.
Anime Club Jessica Lange 1840 Mondays Students will come together in an inviting environment to discuss and watch Anime.
Art Club Nicole Krayneski James 3000 Tuesdays Art Club will serve as a safe place for creative endeavors.  We hope to work on special projects throughout the community. nicole.krayneskijames@dm

Fragrance Club Rachel Ng 2880 2nd and 4th Mondays The purpose of Fragrance Club is to educate and engage students around the study of fine fragrance.  We will learn how to appreciate the fine art of fragrance as consumer in many settings and as a career.  We will make our own fragrances and candles.
Chess Club Rachel Ng 2880 Wednesdays The chess club is formed for the purpose of playing the board game of chess. Traditionally played over the board, face to face but may also play on internet.
Riders Rugby (Girls) Annie Myers Girls Fall Season start in August Rider Girls Rugby competes in a regular season and State tournament through the Iowa Youth Rugby Association.
Riders Rugby (Boys) Nick Barrett Boys Spring Season Rider Boys Rugby competes in a regular season and State tournament through the Iowa Youth Rugby Association.
Speech and Debate

(Rider Forensics)

Parker Klyn 2840 Monday-Thursday National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) chapter for Roosevelt high school. We compete in speech and debate tournaments around the country including Public Forum, Congress, and various speech events.
Sharks Katherine Gamble 2860 Must see Gamble by Oct. 14 for tryout info Sharks is the longest running synchronized swimming club in the nation.   They have been performing since 1926.  They train all winter and hold their Pageant in the spring.
Asian Student Alliance Rose Dino 1410 Thursdays The mission of the ASA is to build leadership capacity among Asian American students by fostering a safe space to navigate their intersectional identities, empowering them to become active world-class members in their global community.  This further develops an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.
National Honors Society Jason Danielson Various Varies National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization that recognizes students for their excellence in scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Open to students in 11th and 12th grade. 
Student Government Sierra Perkins 3390 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 7:50 & 3:30 Student Government’s mission is to represent the interests of the student body through the implementation of innovative programs, services, and initiatives that enrich student lives
Black Student Union Kristen Allan 1850 Tuesdays The mission and philosophy of Black student union is to help students strive for academic excellence, promote positive images of African Americans, and help students become an integral part of or our community.
Brother 2 Brother Evian Akers Alumni Room Wednesdays The B2B program was established to increase the number of males of color successfully navigating middle school and graduating both high school and college. From here, they move on to positively impact their greater communities.


Pickleball Martha Chleborad Waveland Tennis Courts Tuesdays and Thursdays The Pickleball Club is for enjoyment, learning, and competition  – while having fun!
Minecraft Club Brandon Hope 2280 Mondays Minecraft Club bring students together to discuss, build, share, and play Minecraft.
Mu Alpha Theta Tammy Clements 1870 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Mu Alpha Theta is a national math honor society. The group will engage in math tutoring as a service project
Color Guard Alanna Verner Varies Tryouts and Practice Varies The Color Guard performs with the marching band at football games, parades, marching band competitions, and the State Color Guard Competition.
Clean Teens Brandon Hope 2280 2nd and 4th Mondays Clean Teens meet to discuss certain topics that are important and present in the community: substance abuse, mental health, importance of education and more. The group brainstorms and creates PSAs, flyers, and PowerPoints to put around the school and community with the intent to inform and help the youth of Des Moines.
Latinos in Action Ruby Herrera 2750 1st and 3rd Wednesdays To motivate and bring together Latinx students. Create a supportive and uniting space at Roosevelt.
Girls Voices United Ami Randazzo 2020 Wednesdays Girls’ Voices United is a club for girls to find a place to belong, to make friends, and to have a community.
Reading Club Mallory Zielinski 2830 2nd and 4th Thursdays For people to be able to come together and share space and time to read. They will also be able to share book recommendations if they would like to.
Model UN Brandon Hope/ Lakshmi Melam 2280 Daily after school March – April The Model UN Club formed to prepare and compete at the Model UN State Competition.
Speak Your Peace Poetry Rachel Ng 2880 Mondays 3:30 p.m.
Student Leadership Collective Lisa Hesse Library 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Student advocacy and voice within systemic change of policies and approach to the educational experience students have at TRHS. A group of students who collectively work with administration and stakeholders to transform the every day experience of our students. We do not rank members – it is collective


Raise the Bar (Barbell Club) Lindsey Smith Weight Room Mondays: Oct 7 – Dec 16, 2024 Raise the Bar Initiative is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for girls and women to develop physical, mental, and emotional strength through weight training and community relationship building.

Executive Activities Assistant

Kathy Schmitt

Teacher, Business/Assistant Activities Director

Brandon Hope

Director of Student Activities and Equity

Andrew Wade

Teacher, Social Studies

Casey Voichahoske