May is Mental Health Awareness Month

 May in Mental Health Awareness Month, and a group of students at TRHS has decided it’s time speak out.

The idea came about when a mental illness monthspontaneous conversation began between the students and a teacher.  One in five people ages 13 and older struggle with mental illness, and many never seek help because of the stigma.  These students have decided to end that stigma by raising awareness of the very prevalent issues that students deal with.  Each week, students are encouraged to “Wear the color. Raise awareness.  End the Stigma,” by wearing the designated ribbon awareness colors for a variety of mental illnesses.  Posters of celebrities who struggle with these illnesses line the hallways.  Resources for additional information and support can be found on posters and in the counseling office.

 And, on May 18, a group of students and staff will share informational and performance-based experiences of mental illness struggles to bring a sense of reality and hope to the TRHS student body.  The founding group of students intends to make this an official student club that raises awareness through education and advocacy throughout the school year.

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